A typical mission takes place over ten days with a team of medical professionals and organizers in collaboration with officials from the host country. Our medical volunteers coordinate, and execute the missions with the assistance of logistics volunteers and the in-country counterparts who have requested our assistance. The number of surgeries performed is directly linked to funding, number of volunteers and the capacity of the local hospital.


After several requests for assistance we decided on Morocco (Rabat, Casablanca) and Suriname (Paramaribo, Brokopondo) as our next medical mission sites. Specialties included ENT where over 600 children have been screened and treated, general and gyn surgery. At both sites we interfaced with orphanages to select the most needed procedures and patients.


During the COVID-19 crisis we have been unable to travel personally but have used our resources to support in country missions. In Morocco this means that an entire shipping container of Medical supplies were donated and logistics support was provided to treating a congenital childhood disease, PKU. By providing simple dietary supplements PKU children who would otherwise develop a progressive neurological decline instead develop completely normally into adulthood.

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Since the first mission in 2005, PCCHF have totaled over15 missions to Kenya providing medical assistance to approximately 3000 patients and completing more than 400 surgeries. 



After the devastating earthquake in 2010, PCCHF has teamed up with various NGO's to provide aid to the people of Haiti, including 30 life-changing surgeries.


PCCHF Suriname

PCCHF Medical Mission to Kenya